What Makes First Assembly Healthy?
- Empowering Leadership:
- The match of Pastor and Congregation
- Delegation and sharing of ministry
- Leadership through Vision
- Leadership through Mentoring and Equipping
- Leading Change
- Gift-Oriented Ministry:
- Understanding your gifts
- Matching of gifts to task
- Significance of service
- Coaching: Are people supported, trained, and challenged?
- Passionate Spirituality:
- Personal spiritual disciplines
- Corporate spiritual disciplines
- Contagious faith
- Functional Structures:
- Organizational structures and systems
- Leadership Oversight, Vision, Goals and Planning
- Creativity and managing Change
- Inspiring Worship:
- Feelings of being inspired
- Care for children
- Life-Transforming preaching
- Visitor friendly
- God-Centered and Celebrative music
- Holistic Small Groups:
- Atmosphere of transparency, sharing and trust
- Spiritually oriented
- Meeting Felt needs
- Relevant to daily life
- Guest sensitive
- Multiplication of disciples, leaders and groups
- Active Participation of group members
- Need-Oriented Evangelism:
- Personal evangelism
- Corporate evangelistic Strategies
- Seeker awareness
- Assimilation of new Christians
- Loving Relationships:
- Atmosphere of joy and trust
- Interdependent relationships
- Affirmation and Confirmation
- Intentional conflict resolution
- REAL Programs that promote Jesus (need-oriented evangelism):
R – Relevant to the Culture
- “The Pattern — ways in which People relate” (Leith Anderson)
- Age groups
- Subcultures (globally and locally)
- Relating to a Postmodern culture
- No Moral absolutes
- Globalization of cultures
- Polarization on issues of morality
- Making the Connections
- With the Culture
- The culture with Christ
E – Effective in our Commission (bringing people to Christ) 1Cor. 9:23
- The church has supernatural Purpose (Mark 16:15-18)
- The church has supernatural Power (Acts 1:8)
- The church is supernatural People (Matt. 16:18-19)
A – Accountable to our Christianity (the message we preach)
Jesus is always at the Center
We are always Clear about Jesus
- His Person
- His Power
- His Practices
We always have the Compassion of Jesus
- Going into the community
- Seeing the need
- Doing something about it
L – Loving in our conduct (motivation for ministry) 1 Cor. 9:19
- Real love Sees the needs of others
- Real love Serves the needs of others
- Real love Saves others
First Assembly exists to be a vibrant, church. This is accomplished by being a balanced church, which in turn leads to a healthy church, which by its very nature will be a growing church.
By doing this we allow YOU to build YOUR life on the foundations necessary for YOU to be a balanced, healthy, and growing Christian.