Pastor Wes Johnson
Pastor Wes Johnson, along with his wife, Stephanie, and their four children: Brooke, Siera, Chase, and Ashton moved to Alexandria, VA in January of 2002 to begin his ministry with First Assembly of God. During the year 2002, Pastor Wes felt that God was wanting and leading him to First Assembly. For the past 20 plus years, Pastor Wes and Stephanie have ministered together.
Stephanie is a gifted teacher, mentor, speaker, wife and mother. She has a strong calling to the personal mentoring of leaders and has a great love of music. She is currently serving as the Music Director.
Pastor Wes was born and raised in Southern Virginia and recognized the call to ministry as a teenager. He graduated from Valley Forge Christian College in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Bible and Pastoral Studies. Pastor Wes’ foremost priority is his personal walk with God, to continue to grow and become more like Him, to be a true Disciple of Jesus Christ and an Apostolic Leader. Second priority is his family – a man could gain the whole world and lose his home. He believes that the Church should affirm this not only in his life, but also in the life of the Church. His third priority is the Church. He wants to help God mold the church into becoming a 21st Century New Testament Church, through the spiritual training of people, developing of their spiritual gifts, and releasing them to do the work of the Lord.
Prior to coming to First Assembly, Pastor Wes served as Senior Associate Pastor of Bethel Assembly of God in Hagerstown, Md., overseeing 6 Associate Pastors and all of the activities and ministries of the church. He has developed numerous ministries with the church and continues to successfully grow other ministries. Pastor Wes is highly gifted in the areas of Worship, Preaching and Leadership Development and has been very effective in developing ministries for Community Outreach, Missions, Children, Youth, Singles, Couples, and Senior Citizens. He is an ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God.
Pastor Wes and Stephanie have made a life-long commitment to First Assembly and God has given Pastor Wes a vision for ministry in our area. It will be exciting to see the way in which God brings that vision into reality! His desire is to lead people into ‘Knowing God | Showing People.’