“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT)

A laptop and phone sitting on top of a wooden table.


To give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online via PayPal. It’s quick, easy, and secure. You can give by using your checking account, debit or credit card, whichever is most convenient. Be sure to make a note to designate what your giving is for. Ex "Tithes, offering, missions or other designation". This safe and flexible option is one of the easiest ways to give to 1st Assembly of God. Thank you for your faithful support.


*Covering the Processing Fees*

Like all online payment platforms, a processing fee is applied to each transaction of 1.99%. For example, if you were to give $100, only $98.10 would go to the church. If you would like to cover these fees, you can click “OK” when prompted and it will automatically increase your giving to cover the processing fee. If you would like to continue with your original amount, simply click “cancel” when prompted.

Other Ways to Give

2. In Service

We give an opportunity for offering during each of our services. Giving envelopes are available in the back of every pew for you to write your information on and secure your check or cash. Simply drop the envelope in the offering plate on the stage. There is also a giving station box towards the front of the sanctuary for you to give before or after service.

2. Mail-in Contribution

You are welcome to mail in a check to our 1st Assembly Church offices. Please make the check out to First Assembly Church. Our office address is 700 W Braddock Rd. Alexandria, Virginia 22302.