Our church began at the home of Peter and Anne Duborg in 1917, when the Holy Spirit started a revival. Soon our group grew into a small congregation and a need for a building was immanent. God began to open new doors for our small congregation. In 1957, the church purchased the estate at 700 West Braddock Road in Alexandria, VA. On June 3, 1963 the congregation dedicated the land to the Lord, believing it to be a lighthouse on a hill. It was at this point that the church changed the name for the third time to First Assembly of God. Over the past 104 years, 9 properties and 3 name changes, history has proven that First Assembly’s congregation delights in hearing the voice of God.
First Assembly is affiliated with the national Assemblies of God organization headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. The church is a member of the Potomac District of the national organization. The senior pastor must hold credentials with the Potomac District of the Assemblies of God. From 1922 to 2002, there were four senior pastors of the church. In November of 1999 the previous senior pastor, Dr. Thomas Gulbronson, was severely injured in a fall. His injuries led to his resignation from the church in March of 2002. The church was without a senior pastor from then until December 2002. In December 2002, Rev. Wes Johnson, along with his family, moved to Alexandria, VA, and began their ministry at First Assembly of God in January 2003.